In 2005, I picked up a 35mm film Vivitar and began my photographic journey. Nestled in the Appalachian Mountains, my hometown provided me immediate access to a diverse and expansive world to explore. Camera in hand, I explored the beauty of nature, and strove to document it. I picked up many outdoor activities as hobbies, with hiking, mountain biking and white water rafting filling my time. I gained a deep love for the outdoors and photographing my adventures became a lifelong passion.
In 2008, I went to university in Houston, Texas to become an architect. Moving to the city and learning about the built environment, my photographic interest shifted to architectural photography. Our society’s impact on the environment captivated me. I had come from a land of hills and mountains blanketed in trees, and found myself in a world of concrete, glass and steel. As a designer, I desired to find harmony with nature; As a photographer, I strive to capture those moments of harmony between the built, human condition, and our surroundings.
With this background, I continue to photograph our relationship to nature. At times, nature dwarfs and engulfs us, reminding us how small we are. Other times, humanity imposes itself on nature, building cities and constructing infrastructure that criss-crosses the earth. This website documents those endeavors as well as being the home to my gear reviews and photo journal.